Hulu Ad Manager


Disney advertising is both a partner and client for us at The Agency at UF. They came to us after the Disney/Hulu merger with a request to help refresh their current social media assets for Hulu Ad Manager– a service for businesses to advertise their services to Hulu’s customer base.

The Problem: How can we update Hulu’s suite of characters, environments, photography, and social media assets under a familiar, but changing brand landscape?

The Solution: Create adaptable social ads that appeal to small businesses and agencies that combines but doesn’t lose Disney Advertising and Hulu’s brand voice.


Art Direction: Ella Choi, Ashley van der Does

Design: Ella Choi, Olivia Burgess, Max Dotson, Paloma Buzzi, Dina Coletti, Emma Schickling

Motion Design: Ella Choi, Ashley van der Does, Olivia Burgess

Characters & Environments

Our team created a library of characters for agency-focused and small business-focused ads as well as additional characters that could be used. We followed Hulu’s existing illustration style, keeping the style of clothing, body types, facial structure, etc. while adding some fresh additions.

Our team composited together four different environments from Hulu’s existing library of assets. The goal was to create spaces and areas that could exist in an agency office or small business. We focused on showing collaborative spaces and desk environments that would be realistic for the target audiences.

Social Assets

We curated a new set of photography to use in these social media ads with a focus on agency and small business spaces. We searched for instances where people would be looking at screens or be interacting with a device as they would be with Hulu Ad Manager. We styled the updated visuals to match Hulu’s current media library and incorporated Disney Advertising’s brand colors to create the updated feel the team was searching for.